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Meet The Team

German Shepherd and foster puppy
Meet The Counselors


Eli, the head counselor

Mojo, the phys ed instructor

Nala, the guidance counselor 

plus ...


australian shepherd and foster puppy

Rocket, the vocalization instructor


Bo, the foreign language instructor



(NOTE: I can't quite bear to edit this page, because I made it in 2018 when our beloved Eli, Nala and Rocket were all still with us and it was magic. They all had a wonderful senior sunset -- long, beautiful lives -- but gosh we miss them. Of course Georgie and Kreacher have joined Mojo and Bo, and we have a new happy vibe. Still, this page stays as is . . . )


My able assistants have impeccable puppy credentials, thanks to their years of experience helping us foster puppies.


Bernese Mountain Dog and foster puppies

HEAD COUNSELOR: Eli the Bernese Mountain Dog is 110 pounds of gentle, glorious authority. His unquestionable leadership puts everyone at ease. He can convey, in an instant, "You're safe. It's good here." For four years, Eli and I were a R.E.A.D. therapy team, working weekly with young students in an elementary school. I am grateful for every day with my now-grandpa-stage friend. 


GUIDANCE COUNSELOR: Nala the Australian Shepherd/Collie was the mom of the first litter we ever took in, and we just couldn't let her go. This beautiful, loving soul is perfection off-lead, and is unsurpassed as a bed-and-couch snuggling companion. Puppies obsess over her, and she gently keeps them in line. (Once a mom, always a mom.)


PHYS ED DIRECTOR: Mojo the German Shepherd was only the second foster (out of 126) we couldn't bear to part with. She, too, came to us as a nursing mom with her litter. Exceedingly intelligent, engaged, loyal, and ridiculously fun, she's now a key component in our fostering. She is endlessly interested in puppies. She never tires of dangling toys in front of little ones and daring them to chase her. (Here's how fast she is.) When they can't keep up, she's back offering something to chew on together. 


VOCALIZATION INSTRUCTOR: We took in Rocket the Husky/Shepherd 8 years ago, when a neighbor was going to return him to a shelter. He barks to alert, he barks to object, he barks to share joy. These days his favorite part of having puppies around is that it gets Mojo going, and everybody has fun once Mojo gets going! Watch this video of Rocket and Eli playing with our very first foster pup.


FOREIGN LANGUAGE INSTRUCTOR: Bo the kitty is our most fascinating and unusual hire. Working against type, he can't resist puppies. He often befriends them to the point that we catch them canoodling in the middle of the night. Check out this video of Bo and the Great Pyrenees foster Trooper (shown here). Don't tell Trooper, but here's Bo having a similar session with another foster pup!

kitty and great pyrenees foster puppy
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